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Kitchen Gardening

7 Common Mistakes To Avoid When Planning Outdoor Kitchens



If you love cooking outdoors, nothing can be more satisfying than having a nice kitchen where you can cook in the open air. There’s nothing that can compare to the all-time favorite backyard barbecue we all love so much. However, while these are the moments that we will cherish for years to come, it is important not to forget how to be safe when cooking in an outdoor kitchen.

Whether this is your first time cooking outdoors or you’re a seasoned veteran, you should avoid making any of these common mistakes that can lead to more trouble than is necessary.

1. Not Having Adequate Storage

When designing your outdoor cooking space, it is important to allow for adequate storage space for both the food you plan to prepare and the utensils you need.

Your kitchen should have ample storage space. You might designate one area to keep staples and dry goods off the ground and away from any stray animals that may wander into your yard.

It is also a good idea for another area set aside specifically to meet your cold storage needs. If you can afford it, install a weather-resistant refrigerator to keep perishables at the optimum temperature and store any condiments and other ingredients you may need.

2. Forgetting About Ventilation

In addition to consistent air-flow for the cooking area, every appliance and electrical outlet needs good circulation around it to ensure that nothing gets overheated and thereby creating a potential hazard.

This can be done by installing exhaust fans and vent holes wherever possible, and a vent hood over your cooking area.

3. Not Planning For Workflow

Planning for workflow is critical for efficient cooking. Without it, you will constantly be running back and forth to get your job done. It is better to plan for a wash, prep, cooking, and plating station so you won’t need to keep retracing your steps. You’ll be more organized and save most of your energy for entertaining your guests.

4. Grill Too Small

Every outdoor kitchen needs a good grill, but that can quickly dampen your enthusiasm if it is not up to the task. Make sure that you don’t skimp on the size.

Get a grill that will be able to handle the amount of cooking you plan to do. One that is too small will mean that you have to cook endless batches of food, which can eventually wear on your patience.

Larger outdoor kitchen barbecue grills give a lot more heat so that you will have even and consistent cooking. It will also save you lots of time since you won’t have to cook in batches. You’ll get done a whole lot faster that way.

5. Getting Enough Power

Even if you plan on barbecuing everything you get your hands on, you will still need to have enough power to operate your refrigerator and small appliances you plan to use.

Think of the drinks, sauces, and other extras you plan to serve your guests. Make sure that you have a good source of power to meet all of your needs.

6. Failing To Measure

Poor planning could create a kitchen that doesn’t have ample space for the things you need. It is a given that you will plan enough room for your larger appliances. Still, it is easy to forget that the smaller appliances also need adequate space.

Plan to have enough counter space; otherwise, preparing your meals could become a real nightmare.

7. Not Planning For Cleanup

Make an area with a sink and running water so you can wash your veggies and utensils without having to go inside the house. A good cleaning area will also keep your counter looking neat-&-clean and help you to avoid having to haul loads of pots, pans, and dishes into the house kitchen to wash, saving you a lot of time and energy.

Before you start looking at the finishes and the fixtures for your new space, think carefully about the more practical features of its unique design. You can get the best kitchen layout complete with all the necessary amenities needed to make your new space the perfect extension of your home.

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Kitchen Gardening

From Seed to Table: Cultivating Flavor and Sustainability in Your Kitchen Garden




As an expert in the culinary world, I’m thrilled to delve into the enriching practice of kitchen gardening—a trend that’s not only reshaping our approach to fresh produce but also redefining our connection with the food we eat. Drawing inspiration from the insightful article on Slurrp, “7 Kitchen Gardening Tips To Grow Your Own Vegetables And Herbs,” let’s explore how you can transform your kitchen into a haven of greenery and flavor.

The Rise of Kitchen Gardening

In recent years, kitchen gardening has seen a resurgence, driven by a desire for organic produce and a deeper understanding of food sources. The National Gardening Association highlights the increasing popularity of home gardening, noting a significant rise in the number of households engaging in gardening activities. This resurgence is not just a trend but a lifestyle shift towards sustainability and health.

Starting Your Kitchen Garden

  1. Choosing the Right Location The first step in establishing a kitchen garden is selecting an optimal location. Your plants need adequate sunlight—around 5-6 hours daily. A south-facing window is ideal, but any spot receiving ample sunlight will suffice. The Royal Horticultural Society emphasizes the importance of light for plant growth, suggesting that even artificial grow lights can be a viable alternative for less sunny spaces.
  2. Selecting Your Plants When deciding what to grow, consider your culinary preferences. Herbs like basil, cilantro, and parsley are kitchen staples and relatively easy to grow. For vegetables, start with greens like lettuce and spinach, which are both hardy and versatile. The Old Farmer’s Almanac offers a comprehensive guide on easy-to-grow herbs and vegetables, perfect for beginners.
  3. Right Containers and Soil Choosing the right containers is crucial. Ensure they have adequate drainage to prevent waterlogging. As for soil, opt for high-quality potting mix, which provides the right texture and nutrients for container gardening. The University of Illinois Extension provides detailed guidelines on selecting suitable containers and soil for your kitchen garden.
  4. Watering Wisely Watering needs vary among plants, but the key is consistency. Overwatering can be as harmful as under-watering. A study by Cornell University highlights the importance of understanding each plant’s specific water needs for optimal growth.
  5. Fertilizing for Growth Regular fertilization is essential, especially in container gardening where nutrients can deplete quickly. Organic options like compost or seaweed extracts are excellent choices. The Environmental Protection Agency discusses the benefits of composting, which include enriching soil and reducing the need for chemical fertilizers.
  6. Pest Control Pests can be a challenge, but there are natural ways to manage them. Neem oil and insecticidal soaps are effective organic solutions. The University of California’s Integrated Pest Management Program offers a wealth of information on managing pests organically.
  7. Harvesting Your Bounty Harvesting at the right time is crucial for flavor and nutrition. Herbs should be picked before they flower for the best taste. Vegetables like lettuce can be harvested leaf by leaf, encouraging new growth. The Michigan State University Extension provides excellent tips on when and how to harvest for maximum yield and quality.

The Benefits of Kitchen Gardening

The benefits of kitchen gardening extend beyond just fresh produce. It’s a therapeutic activity that connects us with nature and provides a sense of accomplishment. According to a study published in the Journal of Health Psychology, gardening can reduce stress and improve mood.

Moreover, kitchen gardening is a step towards sustainable living. By growing your own food, you reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a healthier environment. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations discusses the role of urban and peri-urban agriculture in sustainable urban development.

Incorporating Garden Produce into Your Culinary Creations

With your kitchen garden thriving, it’s time to bring those fresh flavors to your table. Incorporating home-grown herbs and vegetables into your cooking not only enhances flavor but also ensures you’re consuming nutrient-rich, chemical-free produce. Websites like Epicurious offer a plethora of recipes that creatively use fresh herbs and vegetables, inspiring you to make the most of your garden’s bounty.


Kitchen gardening is more than just a hobby; it’s a lifestyle choice that promotes health, sustainability, and a deeper appreciation for the food we consume. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a novice, the journey of growing your own food is rewarding and enriching. As you embark on this green adventure, remember that each plant you nurture is a step towards a healthier, more sustainable future.

In the words of Audrey Hepburn, “To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.” Your kitchen garden is not just a source of fresh produce; it’s a symbol of hope and a testament to the joys of simple living.

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Kitchen Gardening

Urban Gardening: Cultivating a Green Revolution in the Concrete Jungle




In the heart of our bustling cities, a quiet revolution is taking root. Urban gardening, the practice of cultivating food in the midst of concrete and steel, is not just a trend but a movement towards sustainability, self-sufficiency, and a deeper connection with what we eat. From rooftop gardens to balcony herb boxes, urban dwellers are transforming their living spaces into verdant oases, redefining the concept of local produce.

The Rise of Urban Agriculture

Urban gardening is more than a hobby; it’s a response to the increasing awareness of food security and environmental issues. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, urban agriculture could be essential in enhancing urban food security and nutrition. In cities like New York, initiatives like the Brooklyn Grange, a massive rooftop farming operation, are not only providing fresh produce but also educating the community about sustainable agriculture.

The Benefits: Beyond Just Fresh Produce

The advantages of urban gardening extend well beyond the joy of harvesting your own tomatoes or basil. As noted by a study in the Journal of Urban Health, these gardens can improve physical and mental health, promote biodiversity, and even reduce urban heat islands. Moreover, they foster a sense of community, bringing together people of diverse backgrounds with a common goal of nurturing growth.

Overcoming the Challenges

Urban gardening, however, is not without its challenges. Space is a premium commodity in cities, and not everyone has access to a garden plot or a large balcony. Creative solutions, such as vertical gardens and community plots, are essential. Websites like Urban Gardeners Republic provide invaluable tips and tricks for maximizing small spaces for effective gardening.

The Role of Technology

Technology plays a pivotal role in the urban gardening movement. Hydroponic systems, which allow plants to grow in a water-based, nutrient-rich solution, are perfect for indoor environments. Companies like AeroGarden offer compact hydroponic kits that fit on a kitchen counter, making it possible to grow herbs and vegetables year-round.

The Community Aspect

Community gardens are a cornerstone of the urban gardening movement. These shared spaces not only provide a place to grow food but also serve as hubs for education and social interaction. Organizations like the American Community Gardening Association offer resources for starting and maintaining community gardens, emphasizing their role in urban revitalization.

Edible Landscaping

Edible landscaping is another facet of urban gardening, blending aesthetics with functionality. Instead of traditional ornamental plants, urban landscapes are being adorned with fruit trees, berry bushes, and edible flowers. This approach not only beautifies the cityscape but also contributes to local food production.

The Future of Urban Gardening

As we look to the future, urban gardening holds the promise of a more sustainable and self-sufficient urban lifestyle. With the advent of smart gardening technologies and the growing community of urban gardeners, the potential for transformation is immense. Websites like TreeHugger provide a glimpse into the future of urban agriculture, showcasing innovations and inspiring stories from around the globe.


Urban gardening is more than just a trend; it’s a vital part of the future of food production and urban living. It offers a path to reconnect with nature, improve our health, and build stronger communities. As we continue to navigate the challenges of urbanization and environmental sustainability, urban gardens stand as beacons of hope and greenery in our concrete jungles.

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Kitchen Gardening

Planting Berries in Pots




Using pots to plant berries can give you the most tasty and healthy berries if you do this:

Pots Protect Strawberries

Strawberries have shallow roots. They are also compact and they love rich, fertile soil which makes them ideal for planting in pots.  If you invest in a self-watering pot, you can store water at the base, and the roots will pull up the water using capillary action.

Get the best results with a premium potting mix mixed with chicken manure. Chicken manure will help provide the strawberry plants with extra nutrients.  

Plant seedlings 30cm apart and gently tease each root as you plant. Straw mulch will help retain moisture in the soil and keep the fruits clean. 

Pots keep strawberries safe from slaters, snails, and slugs that would have attacked them on the ground. 

Pots keep Blueberries in Check

Blueberries flourish in larger pots. They need a lower pH to flourish. Buy a potting mix for azaleas which prefer acidic environments.

With a good potting mix, you only need to boost them with some fertilizer every couple of months. The best place to put your pot of strawberries is somewhere sunny where it doesn’t get too hot on summer afternoons. 

With pots, you have more control over the condition of the soil and you can move the plant around to find the best lighting conditions for a bumper crop. 

Taming Blackberries 

Blackberries have a way of taking over a space with their runners. A larger pot as well as a climbing support will give them a little room to expand and grow. You can also pull out runners and plant them if you want new plants. 

Pots are excellent for blackberries because they keep them from expanding uncontrollably. A 32-litre pot is perfect. Fit in a tall wieldmesh so to support them as they grow. 

Add some chicken manure (pelletised) to the potting mix to keep the plants well fed. Place the pot in a sunny spot and water generously. 

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