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Rodney Scott the Fire Pit Expert on why Backyard BBQs are about more than just Food



If you happen to pass by Rodney Scott’s BBQ in Charleston in the mornings, you will be treated to the exciting aroma of a whole hog slow cooking in their in-house smokehouse. The hog starts cooking at sunrise.

Scott’s mark of quality is their penchant for giving each pig at least 12 cooking hours in the smokehouse. They pull off the pork as it cooks ensuring a perpetual supply of freshly cooked barbecue pork to dinner time. 

Their signature barbecue has been so successful that Scott now has a second restaurant and a third on the way. In addition to the Charleston one, he has outlets in Birmingham and an Atlanta outlet coming up. 

Scott has already appeared on the Parts Unknown show by Anthony Bourdain as well as Chef’s table. He has also won the 2018 James Beard Award for being the Best Chef Southeast. 

Now Rodney Scott is taking up a new challenge. He is creating a cookbook to share what he knows about barbecuing: Rodney Scott’s World of BBQ: Recipes & Perspectives from the Legendary Pitmaster. 

Scott has been cooking whole hogs since he was only 11 years old. His family had a smokehouse at their Hemmingway, South Carolina hometown. So, he is perfectly comfortable cooking pigs. 

Creating a cookbook has been a whole new experience for the barbecue expert. “It’s a whole new learning curve,” said Scott. He must translate his restaurant recipes to suit family-sized meals. His average reader probably will not be looking to make an 18-gallon batch of Rodney’s pepper-flecked vinegar-based Rod sauce. The barbecue whisperer will have to put together simple directions and recipes that are easier for people to replicate at home. 

The cookbook contains many of Scott’s most famous recipes – all adapted for home cooking. He has adapted his recipe for roasting the whole hog by modifying it to fit backyards and substituting his smokehouse for some chicken wire, a steel drum, and cinder blocks. Perhaps the only thing you won’t recreate from the recipe is the warm atmosphere at Rodney Scott’s barbecue. 

“Hospitality is the first flavor that goes into your meal or your event, so of course you want to make it good,” Scott opines. “I believe you have to give people an experience as well as a tasteful dish.” 

A classmate of Scott from Hemmingway in South Carolina once told him that it was his personality that made his food great. Scott brings warmth and a confident attitude that has made his restaurants popular in a region that has plenty of barbecue restaurants. 

Rodney Scott shares some excellent tips for anyone who wants to throw a successful home barbecue party:

Invite a whole Bunch of People

When you roast a whole hog, you can be sure that the aroma will reach your neighbors’ noses. The best thing about a whole hog is that it is big enough to feed a mob. Deliver an invite to all your neighbors. It is better to have people at your barbecue than in their houses, hot and bothered by the sounds and smells emanating from your home. That way you are part of their day and not a disruption. 

Create an Ambiance

One of the things that make Rodney Scott’s barbecue so special is the unique ambiance that makes guests feel like they are in a whole different place. Scott does that with a disco ball. “I saw a disco ball for the first time at a nightclub in 1985 and I was just mesmerized,” says Scott. “Now I put one in all my restaurants. It’s a little thing, but it creates a moment, it indicates that you are stepping into a different place for a little bit.” 

You may decide to introduce color with a floral arrangement, an impressive appetizer, or a unique centerpiece. Choose something that creates a different energy. 

Be the Life of the Party

Rodney Scott has learned many lessons about being a good host while running a barbecue restaurant. One of the most important lessons he has learned is that people came to see the host just as much as they came to eat the food. 

For this reason, he no longer spends hours scooping hot coals to keep his slow-roasting pork going. You are more likely to find him out front. He greets guests and welcomes diners. 

When you are hosting a barbecue, you want to avoid toiling behind the scenes leaving your guests neglected. Set everything out in advance. Once people start showing up, you should be available to greet them and direct them to the bathroom.

Talk about your Food

People love to talk about food. Don’t be shy about going into detail about what you made, why you chose the dishes you chose, how you prepared the food, and how the cooking went. 

This would be a good opportunity to whip out your cookbook or tell your story. If you tried a recipe for the first time, share your experience and as for their opinion. 

This will not only spark conversations but also help expose people to different techniques of cooking. 

Tips & Advice

How Photographing Food Can Lead to Healthier Eating Habits




In today’s digital age, where sharing moments on social media has become second nature, a surprising trend is emerging: photographing food can improve your health. This finding, rooted in research from Curtin University, reveals that the simple act of taking pictures of your meals may be a key to fostering healthier eating habits.

The study conducted by Curtin University highlights that when individuals photograph their food, they are more likely to reflect on their dietary choices, leading to more mindful eating. This article explores how this practice works, its benefits, and its potential to revolutionize our approach to food and health.

The Psychological Impact of Food Photography

Food photography is not just about creating aesthetically pleasing images for social media. According to the American Psychological Association, the process of photographing food can engage individuals in a form of self-monitoring. This self-monitoring is critical because it encourages awareness of what and how much one eats, which is essential for making healthier food choices.

By taking pictures of meals, individuals are forced to pause and think about their food. This moment of reflection can deter unhealthy choices and promote better portion control. Additionally, sharing these images on social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook can create a sense of accountability. When people know their meals are being viewed by others, they may be more inclined to choose healthier options to maintain a positive public image.

Encouraging Mindful Eating

Mindful eating, a practice rooted in Buddhist teachings, involves paying full attention to the experience of eating and drinking, both inside and outside the body. It emphasizes slowing down and savoring each bite, acknowledging the tastes, textures, and sensations of the food.

Photographing food can enhance mindful eating by requiring individuals to take a moment to appreciate their meals before consuming them. This pause can transform a mindless eating routine into a mindful experience, allowing people to enjoy their food more fully and recognize when they are satiated, reducing the likelihood of overeating.

The Role of Social Media in Promoting Healthy Eating

Social media platforms play a significant role in shaping dietary behaviors. Studies, such as those published by the National Institutes of Health, indicate that exposure to healthy food images on social media can influence users to make healthier food choices. When individuals post pictures of nutritious meals, they not only showcase their healthy eating habits but also inspire their followers to adopt similar behaviors.

Moreover, social media communities often create spaces for sharing healthy recipes, meal prep tips, and nutritional advice. These online networks can provide support and motivation for individuals striving to improve their diets. Engaging with these communities can make healthy eating seem more attainable and enjoyable.

Practical Applications and Technological Innovations

The integration of technology into dietary habits extends beyond simple food photography. Mobile applications and wearable devices have emerged as powerful tools for promoting healthy eating. Apps like MyFitnessPal and Lose It! allow users to track their food intake by logging meals and scanning barcodes, while devices like Fitbit can monitor physical activity and caloric burn.

These technologies can be complemented by food photography. For instance, some apps now incorporate photo-based food diaries, enabling users to take pictures of their meals instead of manually entering data. This feature simplifies the tracking process and makes it more engaging.

Additionally, advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning are paving the way for more sophisticated dietary tracking tools. AI-powered apps can analyze food images to estimate nutritional content, providing users with immediate feedback on their dietary choices. This real-time analysis can help individuals make informed decisions about their meals, further promoting healthy eating habits.

The Future of Food Photography and Health

As the trend of food photography continues to grow, its potential to influence public health becomes increasingly evident. Healthcare providers and nutritionists are beginning to recognize the value of incorporating this practice into dietary interventions. Encouraging patients to photograph their meals can serve as a valuable tool for dietary assessment and counseling.

Furthermore, public health campaigns can leverage the popularity of food photography on social media to promote nutritional awareness. By partnering with influencers and utilizing hashtags, campaigns can reach a broader audience and foster a culture of healthy eating.


The intersection of technology, psychology, and social media has given rise to a novel approach to improving dietary habits: food photography. By encouraging mindfulness, self-monitoring, and social accountability, photographing meals can lead to healthier eating behaviors. As research from Curtin University suggests, this practice has the potential to transform our relationship with food and promote better health outcomes.

Incorporating food photography into daily routines, supported by mobile apps and social media platforms, can make healthy eating more accessible and enjoyable. As we continue to explore the benefits of this practice, it is clear that a simple snapshot can be a powerful tool for achieving a healthier lifestyle.

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Navigating Tomato Season: Smart Choices for a Bountiful Harvest




As spring heralds the time for planting, garden enthusiasts and culinary experts alike turn their attention to one of the most beloved garden staples: the tomato. The rush to cultivate the perfect batch of juicy, ruby-red tomatoes can, however, be fraught with common pitfalls that novice and experienced gardeners might face. Drawing insights from an expert guide on purchasing tomato plants, this article aims to navigate these challenges, ensuring a successful and bountiful tomato harvest.

Choosing the Right Time to Plant

The ideal time to plant tomatoes hinges crucially on local climate conditions, specifically the last frost date of the season. Gardeners should determine their area’s frost-free date by consulting reliable sources or local agricultural extensions. This crucial step helps in planning when to safely transplant tomato seedlings outdoors without the risk of frost damage.

Selecting the Perfect Plant

When selecting tomato plants at a nursery or garden center, it’s important to opt for those that are healthy and robust rather than those already bearing flowers or fruit. Plants should focus their energy on developing a strong root system rather than on producing fruit in their initial growth stages. Removing any early blooms can encourage this energy redirection.

Understanding Plant Varieties

Tomato plants come in mainly two types: determinate and indeterminate. Determinate tomatoes, such as ‘Celebrity’ or ‘Patio’, are more compact and tend to ripen all their fruit at roughly the same time. These varieties are ideal for container planting or small garden spaces. On the other hand, indeterminate varieties like ‘Better Boy’ and ‘Beefmaster’ continue growing and producing fruit throughout the season and require adequate support structures such as cages or trellises.

Inspecting for Quality and Health

Visual inspection plays a critical role in selecting the best plants. Avoid plants that show signs of stress or disease such as wilting, yellowing leaves, or the presence of pests like whiteflies. Such issues can significantly hinder the plant’s growth and fruit production. A healthy tomato plant should have a vibrant green color, sturdy stems, and no signs of insects or disease.

Heirlooms versus Hybrids

While heirloom tomatoes are cherished for their unique flavors and varieties, they are often more susceptible to diseases compared to their hybrid counterparts. For those inclined towards heirloom varieties, it’s crucial to understand their specific care requirements and potential vulnerabilities. Hybrid varieties, though less diverse, typically offer more disease resistance and vigor, often resulting in a more reliable crop.

Post-Purchase Care

Once the right tomato plants are selected and brought home, proper care is essential to ensure their growth and productivity. This includes adequate watering, providing enough sunlight, and regular feeding. Additionally, gardeners should be prepared to manage pests and diseases through safe and sustainable methods to maintain healthy plants and ensure a productive harvest.

Engaging with the Gardening Community

Sharing experiences and tips through gardening forums or local clubs can provide additional support and insights, enhancing the gardening journey. Whether you are a novice gardener or a seasoned cultivator, connecting with a community can offer valuable advice and encouragement.

In conclusion, purchasing tomato plants requires more than just selecting the healthiest looking specimen at the garden center. By understanding the best practices for choosing and caring for tomato plants, gardeners can avoid common mistakes and set the stage for a successful and rewarding growing season. Embrace the process and enjoy the fruits of your labor in the form of delicious, home-grown tomatoes.

For further reading on avoiding common tomato-growing mistakes, visit Southern Living’s gardening guide, which offers a wealth of information to help you succeed in your gardening endeavors.

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Redefining Holiday Sweets: Culinary Experts Suggest Delightful Alternatives to Traditional Christmas Pudding




As the festive season approaches, the perennial debate over the traditional Christmas pudding arises. While some relish this classic dessert, others seek alternatives that are equally festive but more aligned with their tastes. Let’s explore some chef-recommended alternatives to the conventional Christmas pudding, offering a twist to your holiday feasts.

Yule Log: A Chocolate Lover’s Delight

The Yule log, or Bûche de Noël, is a popular alternative in many households. Michel Roux, renowned for his culinary expertise, suggests this as a French alternative to the traditional pudding. The Yule log is a light chocolate sponge, rolled with ganache and often spiked with Grand Marnier, adorned with caramelized hazelnuts. It’s a visually impressive dessert that chocolate enthusiasts will adore.

Pastry chef Graham Hornigold, founder of Longboys, echoes the sentiment for a Yule log variant, the Mont Blanc roulade. This dessert is versatile, allowing for various flavor combinations and even a vegan version by substituting dairy products with plant-based alternatives. Hornigold’s Christmas favorite includes a vanilla sponge with blackcurrant jam, chestnut cream, and candied chestnuts, served with blackcurrant ripple ice cream.

Sticky Toffee Pudding: A Pub Classic

Sticky toffee pudding, a pub classic, is another crowd-pleaser. Sabrina Ghayour, author of “Flavour,” shares that this dessert has been a long-standing tradition in her family. She adds a unique twist by infusing the toffee sauce with coffee and warming spices like cinnamon, vanilla, and cardamom, drawing inspiration from the coffees of the Arab Middle East.

Warming Baked Fruits: A Lighter Option

For those seeking a lighter option, Matt Tebbutt suggests warming baked fruits. Based on a Delia Smith recipe, this dish includes winter fruits baked in masala with cinnamon and nutmeg. Served with whipped mascarpone cream, it offers a light and delicious alternative to the dense Christmas pudding.

Spiced Ice Cream: A Chilled Alternative

Contrary to the winter chill, ice cream can be a delightful festive dessert. Rick Stein recommends semifreddo, a frozen dessert akin to ice cream but with a lighter, mousse-like texture. Flavored with Christmas spices, fruit macerated in Kirsch or Cognac, orange zest, and vanilla, it’s a creamy delight. Stein suggests setting it in a kougelhopf pan for a wreath-like appearance, decorated with cocoa powder and flaked almonds.

Sarah Raven takes the ice cream idea further with her coffee meringue ice cream cake topped with pomegranate seeds, perfect as a festive centerpiece. The addition of burning brandy adds to the celebratory spirit.

Boxing Day Delight: A New Tradition

Finally, if none of these alternatives appeal, why not simply postpone the Christmas pudding to Boxing Day? Michel Roux and Matt Tebbutt suggest enjoying it cold or fried in butter the next day, offering a delightful twist and reducing food waste during the festive season.

In conclusion, the Christmas pudding, while traditional, isn’t the only option for a festive dessert. From the chocolatey Yule log to the light and fruity baked fruits, and the unconventional spiced ice cream, there are numerous ways to end your Christmas feast on a sweet note. These alternatives not only cater to different palates but also add a touch of creativity and personalization to your holiday celebrations.

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