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Yes, Eating Raw Scallops is actually a Good Idea



Scallops are cold-water shellfish that occupy salty water environments across the globe. They are common in the oceans and sea. Scallops are bivalve mollusks. This means that they have two halves that open and close. 

The white adductor muscle is good to eat while the orange roe is discarded when taking raw scallops. Scallops are a great source of protein and minerals in the body. They also contain Omega -3 fatty acids which aid in brain formation.

Most fishmongers and fishermen suggest eating raw scallops after harvesting. No seasoning required. Raw scallops are full of mild flavor and freshness.

Here are a few Recipes using Raw Scallops

Scallop Carpaccio with lime

Scallop Carpaccio is the most popular way to serve raw scallops.

Here is a brief overview of how to prepare scallop Carpaccio with lime


  • Fresh scallops
  • ½ lime juice 
  • Sea salt
  • 3 teaspoons of best quality olive oil
  • Freshly ground red and black pepper
  • A bunch of corridors
  • 1 teaspoon of wood sorrel leaves (optional) to decorate


  • Wash the scallops and trim the corals
  • Using a sharp knife, slice the scallop horizontally into thin slices
  • Arrange the slices on a single layer on a plate
  • Drizzle the lime juice on the slices
  • Sprinkle a pinch of sea salt and the freshly prepared black and red pepper
  • Drizzle olive oil on all the slices then garnish with corridor and wood sorrel leaves
  • Serve immediately while still fresh

Scallop Crudo


  • 1/2 fresh orange juice
  • 2 tablespoons freshly prepared lemon juice
  • 3 tablespoons vegetable oil preferably sunflower oil
  • 2 teaspoons freshly grated ginger
  • 1 teaspoon vinegar
  • Sea salt 
  • 3 tablespoons soy sauce
  • Fresh scallops
  • 3 teaspoons sliced chives


  • Mix orange juice, soy sauce, and lemon juice in a dish
  • Add oil, ginger, and vinegar and continue mixing to form a paste
  • Slice the scallops horizontally into thin slices
  • Pour the paste on a plate
  • Arrange slices of scallops over and garnish with chives
  • Add a pinch of sea salt for seasoning

There are countless raw scallop recipes apart from this one. We have scallop tartare, scallop sushi, and scallop bacon among others.

Here are some ideas for eating fresh scallop raw

Identify a trusted fishmonger or fisherman

Fresh scallop is the key element to eating raw scallop. You need a reputable fishmonger who can assure you fresh scallop. 

Most fishmongers and fishermen soak the scallops in sodium tripolysulphate (STP) to make them last longer. 

Soaking them increases the weight and reduces their quality. Soaked scallops might have a faint chemical taste. A soaked scallop cannot be eaten raw.

Consider the method used in harvesting

Some methods like fishing with dredgers interfere with the scallop’s adductor muscles. Adductor muscles are the edible part of the raw scallops. Get to know the method to avoid buying scallops that will have no flavor when eaten raw.

Consider the smell

A fresh scallop will have no odor. It should still have the freshness from the sea. If the scallops are still in their shells, check whether they can try to close.

Buy from a reputable supermarket or online supplier

At the supermarket, you will see both frozen and fresh scallops. There is no detailed information on when the scallops were harvested and the method used. Some supermarkets store scallops for more than two weeks. 

They may have no bad odor but will not give you the same flavor as freshly harvested scallops. Some supermarkets will not indicate the size and weight making it harder to select the best scallop.

Choose scallops labeled ‘dry-packed’ or ‘dry’

The label shows that they are safe for consumption and no chemical was added to lengthen their shelf life. This is the best because they are good to eat raw and have a mild flavor. Adding chemicals gives the scallops an artificial white color.

Confirm the texture

Fresh scallops should be firm and wet. They should have the same texture as fish. The scallops should exude very little water. The shiny and soft scallops are not ideal to be eaten raw.

Consider the type of scallop

There are two types of scallops, the bay scallops, and the sea scallops. Consider choosing the as they are more tender and sweeter when eaten raw.

Final words

In conclusion scallops and be enjoyed in several ways but the best way is to take them raw. It is scientifically and statistically proven that raw scallops are nutritious and delicious. 

We have outlined recipes for raw scallop. One of the key considerations is to get a trusted or a reputable fisherman or fishmonger. If you decide to get fresh scallops from an online retailer or supermarket, choose carefully. 


Sweet Proteins: The Future of Sugar Alternatives




In the quest for healthier food options, the spotlight has recently turned to an innovative category of sweeteners: sweet proteins. A groundbreaking study published in Food Research International delves into the potential of these proteins as a substitute for sugar, focusing on the impact of health-focused messaging in promoting their consumption.

The Sugar Dilemma

Europeans consume an average of 34 kg of sugar annually, more than triple the World Health Organization’s recommendation. This excessive intake is linked to rising obesity rates and other health issues. Despite efforts like taxing sugary foods and beverages, and stricter marketing regulations, sugar consumption remains high.

Enter Sweet Proteins

Sweet proteins, such as thaumatin, offer a promising solution. These proteins are derived from natural sources using precision fermentation, a process involving yeast to express and isolate proteins found in some fruits. Unlike artificial sweeteners like sucralose and aspartame, sweet proteins don’t carry associated health risks and are digestible and non-allergenic.

The Study’s Approach

The study explored how perceptions of health and naturalness influence attitudes toward products containing sweet proteins. Researchers conducted experiments using messages that emphasized either the health benefits or the naturalness of sweet proteins. Participants, aged between 20 and 70, were responsible for household food purchases.

Key Findings

The study revealed that health-related messaging significantly influenced attitudes towards sweet proteins. Participants exposed to health-focused messages showed more favorability towards these proteins compared to those who received messages about their naturalness. This effect was particularly pronounced in individuals with higher body mass index (BMI) levels and those experiencing anticipatory guilt about sugar consumption.

Interestingly, the study also found that people who regularly consume alternative sweeteners responded more positively to the naturalness messaging, possibly due to the anticipatory pleasure of consuming sweeteners.

Implications for Public Health

These findings have significant implications for public health strategies aimed at reducing sugar intake. By effectively framing sweet proteins as a healthy and natural alternative to sugar, it’s possible to influence consumer attitudes and, potentially, their consumption habits.

The Road Ahead

While the study provides valuable insights, the authors acknowledge that changing attitudes may not always lead to altered consumption behaviors. Future research should focus on how these attitudes translate into actual dietary choices.


Sweet proteins emerge as a viable, health-conscious alternative to sugar, with the potential to revolutionize our approach to sweetening foods and beverages. As we continue to explore and understand the best ways to introduce these proteins into the market, they represent a significant step forward in the journey towards healthier eating habits.

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The Future of Flavors and Ingredients: A Glimpse into Tomorrow’s Kitchens




In the dynamic realm of food and beverage, the IFT FIRST Food Expo stands as a beacon of innovation, unveiling trends that are reshaping our culinary experiences. Let’s delve into the top five trends that are setting the stage for a transformative future in our kitchens and dining tables.

1. Holistic Health and Wellness: A Culinary Revolution

The concept of health and wellness in food has evolved to encompass mental and emotional well-being, alongside physical health. A key trend at the expo was the focus on sugar reduction and personalization in food products. Cargill’s innovative EverSweet + ClearFlo combines a stevia sweetener with a natural flavor, enhancing flavor modification and solubility. Similarly, Sweegen introduced a new liquid stevia sweetener, aligning with consumer trends for easier manufacturing integration.

Personalized health and nutrition have become more holistic, with consumers seeking tailored food and beverage options. This trend is about understanding individual health and happiness needs, a challenge that food companies are increasingly eager to meet.

2. From Clean to Clear Labels: The Era of Transparency

The clean label movement has evolved into a demand for clear labels, with consumers expecting complete transparency about their food’s ingredients. This shift is exemplified by Prosur’s emphasis on clear labeling in its functional ingredients derived from natural vegetable and fruit extracts. Similarly, Blue California has developed an alternative to titanium dioxide, reflecting a growing concern for environmental impact and regulatory compliance.

3. Multifunctional Ingredients: The Functional Powerhouses

Food and beverage manufacturers are increasingly seeking ingredients that deliver multiple functional attributes. ADM’s research on consumer interest in probiotics led to the development of products like the tomato masala biotic snack bite, combining plant protein, prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics. Additionally, Hilmar Cheese Company demonstrated how whey protein concentrate can replace whole eggs in certain formulations, highlighting the multifunctional nature of ingredients.

4. Sustainability: The Core of Future Innovations

Sustainability remains a key driver in food and beverage innovation. Ingredients upcycled from food waste, like Ocean Spray’s Cranberry Seeds, add natural color and nutrition to various foods. Lemnature Aquafarms introduced nutritional powders created using a sustainable process with the lemnaceae plant, underscoring the industry’s commitment to sustainability.

5. Plant-Based Power-Up: Meeting the Demands of a Diverse Demographic

The plant-based eating trend has expanded significantly. BENEO’s new faba bean ingredients cater to the growing flexitarian population, offering texture improvement and protein enrichment in vegetarian and meat alternatives. MYCO Technology’s FermentIQ Protein, made by fermenting pea protein with shiitake mushroom mycelium, is another innovative approach, enhancing flavor, aroma, and digestibility.

In conclusion, the trends showcased at the IFT FIRST Food Expo reflect a dynamic industry that is responsive to consumer demands for health, wellness, transparency, functionality, sustainability, and plant-based options. As these trends continue to evolve, they will undoubtedly shape the future of food and beverage, offering exciting possibilities for both consumers and manufacturers.

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Transforming a Tough Cut: The Art of Tenderizing Meat




In the culinary world, the transformation of a tough cut of meat into a succulent dish is akin to alchemy. It’s a process that requires not just skill and patience, but also a deep understanding of the science behind meat tenderness. For home cooks and chefs alike, the quest for tenderness is a journey worth taking, as it can turn even the most economical cuts into a feast for the senses.

The Challenge of Toughness

Tough cuts of meat, such as chuck roast, brisket, hanger steak, and flank steak, are often overlooked in favor of their leaner, more tender counterparts. However, these cuts offer deep flavors that are unrivaled, provided they are prepared with care. The challenge lies in breaking down the proteins and connective tissues that contribute to their toughness.

The Tenderizing Toolbox

  1. Pounding: A Physical Approach
    • Pounding meat is one of the simplest methods to tenderize. By using a mallet or even everyday kitchen tools like a rolling pin, cooks can physically break down the fibers of the meat. This method is not only effective but also offers an immediate solution to the toughness dilemma.
  2. Salting: The Power of Osmosis
    • Salting is a technique that goes beyond seasoning. It involves coating the meat with a generous layer of salt to break down proteins, a process that can make even choice cuts more tender. The key is to salt the meat about an hour before cooking, then rinse and pat dry before it hits the pan.
  3. Acidic Marinades: Chemical Tenderization
    • Marinades with acidic components such as vinegar, citrus juice, or wine can tenderize the surface of the meat. This method is particularly suited for thinner cuts, where the acid can effectively soften the muscle fibers, infusing the meat with flavor and tenderness.
  4. Enzymatic Magic: Fruits as Tenderizers
    • Fruits like kiwi, papaya, and pineapple contain natural enzymes that can break down tough meat fibers. Kiwi, with its neutral taste, is an excellent choice for a marinade base. However, moderation is key, as over-marination can lead to a mushy texture.
  5. Scoring: Strategic Cuts
    • Scoring involves making shallow cuts against the grain of the meat. This technique can help in two ways: it allows marinades to penetrate more deeply and also interrupts the muscle fibers, resulting in a more tender bite.
  6. Slow Cooking: Time and Temperature
    • Slow cooking is perhaps the most transformative method for tough cuts. By cooking at low temperatures for extended periods, the collagen within the meat breaks down into gelatin, yielding tender, juicy meat that falls apart with the touch of a fork.

The Science of Softening

The science of tenderizing meat is rooted in understanding its composition. Muscle fibers and connective tissues, primarily collagen, are the main contributors to toughness. The methods mentioned above each tackle these components in different ways. Pounding and scoring are mechanical methods that physically alter the structure of the meat. Salting and acidic marinades use chemical reactions to break down protein structures. Enzymatic tenderizers and slow cooking utilize biological and thermal reactions to transform tough collagen into soft gelatin.

The Culinary Perspective

From a culinary standpoint, tenderizing meat is not just about making it easier to eat; it’s about enhancing flavor and texture. Each method of tenderization brings something unique to the table. For instance, a well-salted piece of meat not only becomes tender but also retains moisture better during cooking. Acidic marinades add a tangy dimension to the dish, while enzymatic tenderizers can introduce subtle fruity notes.

Recipes and Recommendations

For those eager to put these methods into practice, there are countless recipes that showcase the potential of well-tenderized meat. Slow-cooked brisket, marinated flank steak, and pounded chicken cutlets are just a few examples of how a tough cut can become the star of the dinner table.


The art of tenderizing meat is a testament to the creativity and resourcefulness of cooks throughout history. By understanding and applying these methods, anyone can turn a tough cut into a tender, flavorful dish. It’s a culinary transformation that not only saves money but also elevates the dining experience, proving that with the right techniques, even the most humble ingredients can be turned into a gourmet delight.

In the end, the journey from tough to tender is one of exploration and experimentation. It’s about discovering the potential in the overlooked and transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary. It’s a journey well worth taking for any culinary enthusiast.

For those interested in delving deeper into the science and practice of tenderizing meat, reputable sources such as the American Meat Science Association provide a wealth of information. Additionally, culinary experts like Harold McGee offer insights into the chemistry of cooking, which can further enhance one’s understanding and skills in the kitchen.

In the realm of cooking, the ability to tenderize a tough cut of meat is a skill that reflects both the science of the craft and the artistry of the chef. It’s a skill that pays homage to the ingredients, respects the palate, and ultimately, transforms the dining experience.

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